Time Warner ATG is a group of approximately 70 people, primarily engineers
and other high-tech staff. Recently, the Advanced Technology Group moved
into an historic building in Denver’s Lower Downtown district, a mixed-used
neighborhood with structures that date back to the 1860s gold rush. Once a
manufacturing facility for horse-drawn carriages, the Time Warner building
has the exposed brick and raw beams of a warehouse, and was in many ways
ideal for creating the non-traditional workspace desired. The loft-like interior
is spacious enough to contain a number of open collaborative spaces, as well as
50 individual workstations, several private offices, plus conference rooms and a
lounge area.
THE Challenges
Creating a modern workplace to energize and inspire a highly innovative group
of high-tech employees was a top priority. Time Warner wanted modern
furniture that could be used to create flexible, collaborative spaces, open
workbench areas and individual workstations with a clean, contemporary
aesthetic. Because the Web Services Group works primarily in teams, using
multiple monitors, flip charts and white boards, the client wanted workstations
equipped with large whiteboards and under-worksurface storage to maintain
openness and allow workers to communicate easily and instantaneously.
Conference rooms required furniture to support state-of-the-art technology,
including teleconferencing systems.
Initially, Teknion had to dispel the misconception that if we did not offer
a furniture system suited to the client’s needs. Fortunately, the Teknion
representative was able to impress Time Warner with the superior aesthetics,
functionality and flexibility of products like the Marketplace worktable, Leverage
workstations and Teknion dna lounge seating - intelligently designed furniture
products ideal for creating the modern collaborative workspace desired.